
和田玉价值排行榜 羊脂玉居然还不是第一

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秦始皇统一中国的时候,和田玉因产于昆仑山被称为“昆山之玉”,以后又因位于“于阗国”境内而被称为“于阗玉”。直到清光绪九年(1883年)设立和田直隶州时,才被正式命名为“和田玉”。 [7]

和田玉中的名品,是珍藏于陕西历史博物馆的西汉国宝级文物“皇后之玺”,其质地为新疆和田羊脂玉,是迄今唯一的汉代皇后玉玺,为首批禁止出国(境)展览文物 [8-12] 。2008年北京奥运会会徽徽宝“中国印”,也是采用新疆和田玉作为材料。 [13-18]

和田玉属镁质大理岩与中酸性岩浆岩接触交代而形成的变质岩,内含透闪石、角闪石、阳起石等多矿物集合体,化学成分是含水的钙镁硅酸盐,化学式为Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5[Si8O22](OH)2,密度为2.95—3.17,摩氏硬度在6.0—6.5之间。 [19]

长期以来,学术界对和田玉是按产地来划分还是按矿物成分来划分存在很大争议,2013年12月17日和2014年1月,中国国家标准管理委员会和全国标准样品技术委员会批准发布了国家标准GSB 16-3061-2013《和田玉实物标准样品》,正式确定——“和田玉实物样品国家标准不论产地,一律按其矿物成分来界定。



英文名称:Hetian jade compact









广大玉友们在淘到一块喜爱的珍藏和田玉后,如何更好的对和田玉保养却是一个不容忽视的问题。合理的和田玉保养会使和田玉更加温润细腻,在此小编和大家分享一下如何在日常生活中对和田玉进行更好的保养的一些小方法。 (此处已添加小程序,请到今日头条客户端

图3莲子一直以来是吉祥的寓意,连年有余,一路连连,.莲上有荷,荷下有藕 意寓:“佳偶(藕)天成”。2. 藕内有丝 寓意;丝丝(思思)不断,即使不在一起,也思思不断。3. 莲子寓意着子孙满堂,多子多福。以前结婚撒帐多用红枣、花生、桂圆、莲子,寓“早生贵子”此俗一直沿用至今。4. 莲子有心,所谓“有心”是也,“郎有心,妹有意”。于是两人佳偶天成。




英文翻译:Hetian jade, one of the "four famous jade in China" (the third is shaanxi lantian jade, liaoning xiuyu jade and henan dushan jade). In the traditional narrow sense, it refers to the jade produced in hetian region of xinjiang, which is famous in the world for its "seed material". In a broad sense, hetian jade refers to nephrite (true jade). Although hetian jade is named after hetian in xinjiang, it is not a regional concept, not specifically referring to the jade produced in hetian region of xinjiang, but the name of a class of products. China names all stones with more than 98% tremolite composition as hetian jade, which are within the scope of national standards. [1-6]

When the first emperor unified China, hetian jade was called "the jade of kunshan" for its production in the kunlun mountains, and later "khotan jade" for its location in khotan. It was not until the establishment of zhili prefecture in hotan in the ninth year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty (1883) that it was formally named "hotan jade". [7]

The famous hetian jade is the "empress seal", a national treasure cultural relic of the western han dynasty, which is collected in the shaanxi history museum. Its texture is hetian yangzhi jade from xinjiang province. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games emblem treasure "Chinese seal", also USES xinjiang hetian jade as the material. [18] 13 -

Metamorphic rocks formed by contact metasomatism of hetian jade magnesium marble and intermediate-acid magmatite, containing multiple mineral aggregates such as amphiboles, amphiboles, and onyxite. The chemical composition is water-bearing calcium magnesium silicate, the chemical formula is Ca2 (Mg, Fe2 +) 5 [Si8O22] (OH) 2, the density is 2.95-3.17, and the mohs hardness is between 6.0-6.5. [19]

For a long time, the academia of hetian jade is according to the producing area to differentiate by it there is a big controversy or according to the mineral composition, December 17, 2013 and January 2014, China national regulatory commission and the national standard sample approval issued national standard technology committee GSB 16-3061-2013 "hetian jade material standard sample, formal -" hetian jade samples national standard regardless of the origin of a product, shall be defined according to its mineral composition.

Above of hetian jade powder compact overall moist as coagulate fat, with a warm hand release temperature, surface formation hetian jade unique patina, more than a glass gloss, this is due to the ancient jade is pure handmade, a jade take a lot of time, after finished product do extremely smooth surface has formed the luster of the similar patina, after the one hundred will still be a vitreous luster very warm feeling, his play can be static heart, viewing pleasure.

Figure 2 we can see the high-relief jade cartridges, without any effort to cherish material, this is because during the Ming and qing dynasties hetian jade ore is rich, so not to the original shape of ontology to design carved pieces, but want what objects can carve what affair, so many ancient jades hollow out, also a rare leather carvings forming.

FIG. 3 lotus seeds have always been auspicious meaning, more than a year, all the way. Lotus on the lotus, under the lotus root meaning: "love couple (lotus root) tiancheng". 2. The meaning of silk in lotus root; Silk (think) constantly, even if not together, also think constantly. 3. Lotus seeds symbolize the full house of children, many children more than happy. Before marriage scatter account multi-purpose jujube, peanut, longan, lotus seed, house "early birth of the child" this custom has been used up to now. The lotus seed has a heart, the so-called "has a heart" is also, "lang has a heart, sister has intention". So the couple met.

FIG. 4 is a picture at the bottom. The lotus root is connected to the lotus leaf and the lotus seed, which means that the family is full of children and many children are blessed. On the contrary, the obvious vitreous luster presented in the natural light is only the most direct way to distinguish between modern and ancient craft.

The hetian jade that can buy now is Russian makings more, qinghai makings, authentic xinjiang hetian jade has been very hard to see, the hetian jade thing that has time craft exquisite is the treasure of town hall more, can say rare degree is higher than diamond, so it is a thing difficult to seek. It is easy to find a treasure is hard to find this sentence.



  在和田玉当中我们经常能听到各种各样的名词,比如透闪石玉、直闪石玉、锂闪石玉等等,这些玉到底是个啥?   首先来说说透闪石玉。透闪石玉其实就是和田玉。   关于和田玉的定义说法很多,国标比较简单的解释是:   和田玉是由自然界产出的,主要矿